Ron Amir

Ron Amir born in 1973, Israel,
Photographer who lives and works in Tel Aviv. 

Amir graduated from  Hamidrasha,  Beit -Berl College in 2003. Amir’s photography emerges from his personal interest in both marginal zones – political, social, cultural and economical – and his attraction to formalistic canonical photography. His works display a conviction in the ability of the photographic medium to create a close contact among the photographer, the photographed, and the viewers.   His works were exhibited nationally and internationally in places like: The Institute of Contemporary Art Philadelphia; Kornerpark Gallery, Berlin; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; Herzliya Museum of Contemporary Art; Ein Harod Museum of Art ;  Haifa Museum of art; Dvir Gallery Tel-aviv; Hezi Cohen Gallery Tel-aviv;  Hamidrasha Gallery Tel-Aviv; and Um El Fachem Art Gallery. Amir currently teaches photography at Beit Berl College, Minshar School of Art in Tel Aviv, and Musrara School of Art in Jerusalem.

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