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Sculptures SeriesAlimi mines the endless possibilities of a particular material to introduce an additional dimension into the work: that of time. Imbued with their own mortality, his sculptures  cultivate the experiential function of art compare to the traditional African sculptures. Alimi incorporates elements of minimalism and abstraction   to create an oeuvre that is distinctly current, and as witty as it is macabre.

Alimi sculptures are a modern take from the old traditional sculptures, African sculpture is most often figurative, representing the human form and fashioned primarily from wood but it can also be stylized and abstracted and carved from stone. It can span centuries and be as ancient as the advent of tools and it can be as modern as right now, today, where it is lauded and appreciated as a contemporary art form.

The sculptures are portrais of everyday people which are often neglected in the drive toward excessive urbanization, rapid modern development and the growing global economy. These sculptures are rendered in a classic sculpture form with minimalism and brutalist finish this reflecting the divide, toil of everyday people who are have been neglected in a country rich in resources.